Copyright Glaric Consultancy Ltd. 2016
Since 1994, by act of Parliament, chiropractic has become a recognised
and regulated profession in the UK. It provides the public the confidence
that all those calling themselves chiropractors are educated, trained and
qualified in the business of providing healthcare for neuro-musculoskeletal
disorders to the highest standards. Although it shares similarities with other
health professions, its emphasis on finding and treating the root cause of
a problem, naturally, without drugs or surgery, distinguishes it from other
forms of medicine.
Align 4 Life is the island’s state of the art spine and posture correction clinic
and family wellness centre. They specialise in improving the nervous system
to reduce the effects of stress on the brain and body.
Their purpose is to assist families to get well and stay well, enabling them
to attain their optimum potential by improving five key areas: movement,
stress levels, brain function, nutrition and self-talk.
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Health andWellness