Copyright Glaric Consultancy Ltd. 2016
There are approximately 15 million gardens in the
UK with some estimates putting their collective
area at up to three million acres. Since 1900 Britain
has lost at least 154 species of animal and 109
species of plant.
Much of this is due to the loss of habitat from
housing, industrial developments and changes in
farming practices.
If each of us that have a garden does just one or
two little things to help the remaining wildlife then
it will have a much better chance of surviving.
The UK has lost 90% of its lowland ponds so those
in our gardens have a very important role to play
in preserving the fascinating creatures found in
As a bonus the frogs and toads will eat the slugs
and snails that have been munching their way
through our plants
If you are thinking of planting a tree, firstly make
sure it is the right size for your garden. Secondly
consider choosing a native species.
In a recent study it was found that over 284 species
were associated with the Oak, 15 with the Sycamore
and none with the Plane tree. This diversity is the
keystone to the success of our wildlife garden.
There are a lot of us that only have a back yard or
balcony and feel that there is little that we can do,
but this is not so.
A bird table or a bird bathwill attract lots of different
species who, once they know that food or water is
available will return regularly. Hang up feeders and
fill them with peanuts or specialist bird food.
There are many places to obtain advice on wildlife
gardening, your local library, the web, your local
wildlife club. A good start for birds is the R.S.P.B,
www.rspb.org.uk.For other wildlife try the Wildlife Trust, www.
wildlifetrusts.org.Most important of all, relax, do
not get hung up about it, anything you do is a help.
Do something, sit back and enjoy the show.
Making your garden wi ldl ife friendly