Copyright Glaric Consultancy Ltd. 2016
Un f o rge t t ab l e Ev en t s… Tha t Spar k l e !
If you are hosting a large event or organising a small dinner party, you want it
to be a distinctive and memorable occasion. This is where Finishing Touches
comes in!
We provide event organising or co-ordinating services, hiring of catering
equipment and furniture and are now the largest Island supplier for all of these
Established in 2001, A3 Island Marquees Limited created Finishing Touches Ltd
to strengthen its hire services. We have supplied all the major events on the
Finishing Touches fully understand the level of organisation, communication
and attention to details required to ensure that your day is a success.
PO Box 2, Peel, Isle of Man IM99 9YE
Tel: 01624 844 959
candida@manx.net www.iom-finishingtouches.com