Copyright Glaric Consultancy Ltd. 2016
Ev en t Co o rd i na t i on
As well as supplying everything you need to host your
event, Finishing Touches can also provide an event
co-ordinator or organiser to either work alongside
you to ensure that everything runs smoothly or to
organise your complete event taking all the stress
and worries away and leaving you free to enjoy the
day. If you are interested in having this complete
package please mention this when discussing your
Ro om Trans f o rma t i on
The Finishing Touches team can transform the look
of the complete room or supply sparkling backdrops
behind a top table. If you would like to change the
walls, the curtains and even the carpet for your
event then their professional team can perform
Tab l e Li nen
The table setting you prepare for your guests sets
the tone of your event and makes a statement about
you. Linen is probably the most personal item on the
table and its quality is visible and tangible. Colour
and feel are important aspects of the experience for
your guests.
Cha i r s and Cha i r Co v e r s
Finishing Touches provide a wide range of chairs,
from banqueting, bistro and aluminium cafe chairs.
As well as chairs, we also provide chair covers which
come in a vast array of colours and styles, such as
bows, wraps or ties.
Tab l e s
It is paramount that all of our furniture has to be
highly portable whilst being able to withstand any
leaning or tipping after it has been set up. Tables
are supplied in all forms and dimensions, Finishing
Touches will recommend which tables will be best
suited to your event.
Ev en t Furn i t ur e
We stock all the things that you guess you might
need but never know where to find. For example,
if your event involves controlling large numbers
of people, you will want barrier posts with rope.
Whatever you are looking for, Finishing Touches will
go out of their way to find it for you.
Tab l ewar e
A superb range of tableware to complement any
event. This versatile collection of plain crisp white
china mixes easily with any company in any setting,
from black tie dinners to buffet lunches.
Cu t l e ry
Why not hire our elegant Dubarry Cutlery from pre-
revolutionary France. From a range of forks and
spoons… Finishing Touches will have you covered.
Gl as swar e
Where do we start? Wine, Slim Jims, Flutes, Saucers,
Cocktail, Liquer, Port, Shots and Jugs - all shapes and
sizes for sipping, downing or quaffing. Glassware
for every thirst.