Advice To People Selling Property Selling your property quickly, efficiently and getting the best market value in line with market conditions has to be a priority for any prospective vendor and there are a few simple steps you can take to improve your chances greatly. First impressions are very important, your prospective purchaser will form an opinion within thirty seconds of drawing up outside your property. So make sure your garden is kept tidy, a well kept garden usually looks larger and needing less maintenance than an untidy one. A fresh coat of paint can work wonders to improve the appearance of the exterior and interior of your property. Make sure your property is free of clutter both inside and outside. Fresh air and the smell of flowers can make a home feel more welcoming in the summer, while a warm home with cosy lighting can do the same in winter. If you have pets, be sure to clean thoroughly and try to keep them isolated during viewings, as they may be off-putting to buyers who do not like animals. Advice to people viewing property There are very few purchasers who buy the home of their dreams and do not want to change anything. All too often when you view a property you see it as it is, not as what it could be. The best way to most effectively view a property is to list all the positive and negative points of the property and your feelings about it. Then in your own time sit down and work out how much it will cost you to alter the property to your own tastes and requirements. The businesses featured in this guide are there to help you do this. At the end of the day the choice is yours, however, over the years we have all seen so many property transformations which have taken even the most run down properties and turned them into the pride and joy of their owners.